In Fall 2021, Krill began construction at MAGNET’s Manufacturing Innovation, Technology, and Job Center located in downtown Cleveland on the corner of Chester Ave. and 63rd Ave.
MAGNET is a manufacturing advocacy group that helps small and midsize manufacturers throughout Northeast Ohio. Krill and other members of the building team are turning what was an abandoned school filled with many classrooms and upgrading it into a state-of-the-art manufacturing center which will serve as MAGENT’s headquarters.
The process of this renovation has been extremely challenging, the roof had to be support while the walls and floors inside were removed and new foundations and steel were installed to support the structure. Utilizing a team approach everyone has gotten involved from contractors, architects and engineers to come up with the best method to execute these demanding tasks. The solution that the team came up with was to support the roof from overhead with beams and shore towers which allowed work to happen underneath with no restrictions.
In addition, this project also included all new electrical, water and fire line services and new underground plumbing and HVAC systems. At its completion the MAGNET property will also have a new parking lot, asphalt paving and walks, and a playground that will service the community.
This approximately 40,000 square foot building will be a great upgrade to MAGNET’s current space allowing them to grow and have a space that can bring in 1,000’s of visitors each year.
Senior Field Superintendent, Jake Wilson has been on the MAGNET project since its conception and explains his experiences working on this project, “ The Magnet team has been an absolute joy to work with. Everyone has been hands on from the beginning and has been more than helpful when it comes to answering questions and giving direction on the equipment that is being installed here and how they are going to use the facility. We have worked very closely as a team to work through any issues that have come up. The contractors that we have partnered with on this job has also been great to work with. It has been a real team effort to bring this project to life.”
Construction is wrapping up by Fall 2022, be sure to save the date for Magnet’s opening day: Friday, October 7th!